Monday, January 20, 2014

Making House Calls, To People Without Homes

Tampa Hillsborough Homeless Initiative

A lot has changed this past year on the homeless landscape, including a revamping — and renaming — of the umbrella organization that collects and distributes funding to reduce the number of people living on the streets in Hillsborough County. The changes also mark a switch in direction as homeless advocates across the nation are taking a new tack in addressing homelessness. Less is being spent on short-term services and more on housing, especially permanent housing. That’s the new direction of the Homeless Coalition of Hillsborough County, which recently changed its name to the Tampa Hillsborough Homeless Initiative........more>

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Rep. Kathleen Peters to hold press conference on homelessness

Rep. Kathleen Peters – along with the Clearwater Regional Chamber of Commerce – is holding a press conference to launch a social media marketing campaign that raises awareness about homelessness......more

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Good Samaritan tenant shares her experiences with shelter, homeless recovery agency

Good Samaritan tenant shares her experiences with shelter, homeless recovery agency: Julie Clark speaks about her experiences with Hillsborough County's homeless recovery agency and the Good Samaritan Inn on Florida Ave. in Tampa. [Carolina Hidalgo |]

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Hillsborough staff: Use nonprofits instead of Homeless Recovery

Hillsborough County government should close its troubled Homeless Recovery program and seek help from private social service agencies experienced at finding housing for the poor, county staff will tell commissioners today.......more

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Republican Slumlord Hoe Brown

So a prominent political fundraiser in Tampa turns out also to be a landlord with a lucrative relationship with a public agency that's supposed to help the homeless.
That's help the homeless, not help someone take advantage of the homeless......more
See what he has to say on his

Friday, August 16, 2013

Pinellas Looks To Hillsborough Program

Pinellas school officials are meeting with the organizers of a program for homeless students in Hillsborough County, seeking to start up the same in Pinellas.
"Starting Right, Now" is a non-profit that connects homeless students with jobs, apartments, furniture, bus passes, computers, printers and Internet access. They also assign students mentors, help them open bank accounts, register for food stamps and obtain records like birth certificates and social security cards.......more
Visit them here

Even A Quarter Would Be Blessing